Friday, September 30, 2011


Brazil Butt Lift and Tummy Tuck: This workout that focuses on your trouble zones: batwing arms, saddlebags, muffin tops ! You will feel the burn and get results fast! It’s a great way to exercise when you are short on time. Slip into your "skinny" jeans and tank top with confidence.
Please bring light hand wts (3 lb wts work best for most), exercise mat for floor work, and a big old sock .
Whether you're trying to jump-start your weight loss program, get over your fitness plateau, or just maintain your great results, this is the fastest, most versatile program to help you get there!!
ARMS- DON'T LET ANYONE CALL YOU “batgirl” in a reference to the fat on the back of your arms. Let me teach you the exercises that will firm, and tone your arms without bulking them up!
This workout system is designed to reduce, shape, and lift your behind- works all 3 major buttocks muscles and Includes lower-body sculpting moves that are cardiovascular, melting away fat.
WHY PAY $5,000 to $10,000 FOR A TUMMY TUCK? Lose weight around the abdominal region with the non-surgical tummy tuck method. Let me teach you how to get flat, sexy abs quickly!!!
Please wear exercise clothing and aerobic shoes, and bring one of your husband's socks, a set of light hand weights (2 or 3 lb wts work best for most) and an exercise mat for floor work. Ankle weights are optional.


Definity Total Body Workout

Definity Total Body Workout

This full body workout routine is a great fat burning workout.
Intense workout routines like this help burn fat and calories and show off that muscle definition.
If you are looking for toning workout routines,
A.K.A fat burning muscle sparing workouts, this is something to try out.

Do you need a firmer booty? Do you want to de-flab your abs? Do you want to lose cellulite and fat all over? You’ve finally found the perfect workout! The Definity Total Body Workout is a uniquely fun, high-energy group fitness experience, which fuses exercise techniques from the worlds of pilates, dance, cardio-sculpting moves, and yoga. You’ll firm, tighten, and tone your whole body without adding bulk, and you’ll burn mega-calories along the way. Please bring a mat and light weights.

Visit our website for class schedule or email

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Brazilian diet techniques

Brazilian diet techniques
The average westerner’s diet is high in sugar, wheat products and processed foods. These all affects our pH balance and can leave the body acidic. This can lead to us easily getting infected with virus’s and our immune system being weaker. Our immune system works optimally at a middle pH level and can’t combat viruses by themselves with an over acidic pH. So the other great thing about lemon water is that it is alkalizing. Despite being perceived as acidic lemons are actually alkalizing and such can help to bring your body into pH balance.
Water with lemon helps speed up weight loss. Drinking water with lemon for weight loss is also an effective way to help eliminate toxins, clean internal waste, and promote energy boosts
Lemon is a rich source of vitamin C. It has also been found that Vitamin C is a great asset to anyone who is serious about weight loss simply because it helps the body absorb calcium into its fat cells, which in turn helps you lose weight.
Lemon water helps you lose weight naturally. It is well proven that lemon juice accentuates the acidity of the digestive system and this helps the body in the absorption of calcium from the foods you eat, and this calcium is then stored up in the fat cells. It has been studied that the more the calcium content in fat cell, the more its ability to burn fat. So this another benefit of lemon juice for weight loss.
It is well proven that lemon juice accentuates the acidity of the digestive system, and this helps the body in the absorption of calcium from the foods you eat, and this calcium is then stored up in the fat cells. It has been studied that the more the calcium in the fat cell, the more its ability to burn fat. So this another benefit of lemon juice for weight loss.
People who are resistant to weight loss tend to have too much inflammation. Ginger and weight loss go together well partly because ginger is known to be a thermo genic food. It raises the temperature of the body and helps boost metabolism so you burn more fat than you would simply by dieting alone. Ginger helps in expanding the blood vessels which increases your body heat. This makes your body burn fat. As ginger stimulates circulation it also helps detoxify your body. Great health benefits and it also means less water retention
Ginger is also highly regarded as a natural appetite suppressant. One reason for this may be that it helps calm the stomach and ease nausea and upset. Note that some people have reported having an increase in appetite while taking ginger, but this seems to be the exception rather than the rule.
Ginger has a beneficial effect on your overall digestive system, helping to regulate and aid the movement of food through your stomach, and small and large intestines. When everything moves more smoothly, you benefit by losing weight more easily (not to mention experiencing less stomach upset, gas, and bloating).

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Posted: September 17, 2011, 07:57 AM


Reply: info@fitnessrxonline.COM



TRY DEFINITY OR BRAZIL BUTT LIFT AND TUMMY TUCK CLASSES!!! NEW STUDENTS SPECIAL: JOIN OUR MAILING LIST AND GET ONE FREE CLASS- NO OBLIGATION~ CLICK ON SCHEDULE AND PICK ONE! Please call or email us with any questions 248 488 9830 or to make your reservation (THE SIGN UP IS LOCATED ON OUR CONTACT PAGE) WE WILL PRO RATE ANY CLASSES ALREADY IN SESSION! WE HAVE CLASSES TO MEET ALL OF YOUR NEEDS : Our group exercise classes/private sessions are fresh and progressive. Every class format which is cardiovascular is designed to challenge your body, renew your motivation, and yield incredible results. Our Mind/Body classes will balance your body, mind and spirit. From aerobics and cardiovascular training to strength and resistance training to dance, Yoga, and Pilates, our classes are tailored to meet every body’s fitness level.


At Fitness Rx we retain a close relationship and partnership with our students, providing the structure, accountability expertise and inspiration to enable an individual to develop beyond what he or she can do alone! We are not like the health club that signs you up- takes your money every month and does not care if you come!

We help identify and clarify what needs to be concentrated on for each individual. WE ARE VERY FLEXIBLE WITH OUR SESSIONS, AND ALLOW YOU TO MAKE UP CLASSES WITHIN A SESSION THAT YOU HAVE MISSED!

We employ a diverse array of fitness challenges to empower clients to take charge, connect with their motivation to be well, and learn how to modify their lifestyles to achieve optimal health.

We work with individuals to help them improve all areas of wellness including fitness, nutrition, weight, and managing stress.


Headquartered in Farmington Hills, Michigan, we offer private sessions and classes in Yoga, Pilates, Kickboxing, Weight Training, Body Rolling, Spinning, Fitball and Massage. Angie Kielar has been working with clients for 20 years! We have a sincere desire to provide an awareness that encompasses their physical, mental and spiritual well being.

The Fitness Rx staff includes certified instructors who are highly educated, skilled and talented professionals WHO REALLY CARE!!! Our mission is to bring mind-body fitness to as many people as possible as a path of transformation to a healthier, happier and more powerful life!
28575 WINTERGREEN DR at HALSTED, 48331 google map | yahoo map

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Fat Loss supplements really do work! According to their book, The Natural Fat Loss Pharmacy, Harry G. Preuss and Bill Gottlieb suggest the following supplements
• CLA—you can lose 5 pounds of fat and gain 2 pounds of muscle without dieting
or exercise.
• Green tea extract—burn 180 more calories a day, feel more alert, plus use one of
the most powerful antioxidants.
• Chromium—balance blood sugar, control hunger, prevent diabetes, particularly
good for overweight diabetics, and that’s a lot of people
• 5-HTP—control carbohydrate cravings, reducing intake by 1000 calories a day
• Carbohydrate-inhibitors—stop starches from turning into fat. - with white kidney bean extract and L-arabinose
• HMB—retain muscle and help avoid middle-aged spread after 45.
• MCT—prevent weight regain
• HCA—control appetite, and get off a weight-loss plateau
• Chitosan and soluble fibers—feel fuller more quickly at a meal, and less hungry
in the hours afterwards
-•Turbo-charge fat-burning exercise - with HMB (hydroxy methylbutyrate) or BCAA (branched-chain amino acids)
I have tried many of the supplements mentioned here with great success. For more information feel free to contact me

Thank You,
Angie Kielar C.P.T., R.Y.T., C.G.C.S.
visit our website for the latest schedule Fitness RX; Strengthening Body, Mind & Spirit....Private Sessions and Classes, Personal Training, Yoga, Pilates, Kickboxing and Weight Training
Email: (248) 488-9830 fax 248-488-9828